Hey you! Yeah YOU! Election day is on the way!!
Get your limited edition Ernest T. Bass for President T-shirts! Nobody else has ’em but us!
Special $7.99 flat fee RUSHED shipping for 2 or more shirts! Everything’s on sale!!

He could not be any worse than Clinton or Trump.
I love Earnest T Bass, he would make a Great President!!!! Look what we have now!
you do know that ernest t was the original rapper right?
Hey David,
I have a podcast with well over 150K listeners per episode. Mentioned the fact that we met years ago in front of the grocery store in Marina Del Rey in our last episode. Listeners have been excited to hear me refer to your dad. I told them you were wearing a t-shirt with his face on it and I came up to you for that reason. I did NOT tell them that I also came up to you because we both had 300ZX’s. Do you remember that chance meeting? I don’t care if you post this comment to your site, but if you can drop me a line or you’re on twitter, I might be able to send some of our fans towards your store.
I will always cherish being able to talk with Howard and finding out he was also on Midway Island! One desire I had was to make an album of Midway photos for him and give it to him the next year. That was the year he had a bit of a heart problem, so I said I would do it the next year, never realizing there would never be another Next Year for Mayberry Days and Ernest T….I would have loved to sit with him for just a few moments and bring some things to his memory about the islands. Such a talented man….and so funny! It was such a pleasure and treat to meet him! Carry on, Ernest 2!!