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Thanksgiving Remembrance

Early this morning I was reflecting on family holiday dinners of decades ago. We would gather at our home in the suburbs of Los Angeles. I was young, a teen something back then. It was mainly family, but also friends of my fathers from the industry would join in. One Thanksgiving, one of my cousins was dating a young man, 20 something I think. We’d never met before. He was extremely soft-spoken and humble. Had cowboy boots, and a nice twang in his voice. Turned out he had recently moved to Los Angeles from Kentucky. He said it was a huge change. Mentioned he was a big fan of The Andy Griffith Show. Imagine being in his shoes, suddenly among millions of people in Los Angeles, and now having dinner with Ernest T. Bass. We were all sitting around a big round wooden antique table, complete with a Lazy Susan in the middle. As the night rolled on, I think this shy Kentucky local finally felt comfortable enough to ask my pop questions. Questions similar to what most folks would ask Ernest T, such as “How did you come up with that crazy character?” and “What was it like being on the show with Andy and Don?” My pop always had great things to say about being on the show, and how he made things work. As we were eating, this fellow tells us he was a singer and songwriter. He played at various small clubs around town. He found out I played the drums and we talked about that a little. I think he said he had a bunch of songs and was looking for a record deal. Turned out he got exactly that within a few years after that dinner. Oh, did I mention his name? Dwight Yoakam.

I hope you all had a truly Great Thanksgiving!



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  • Michelle Mitchell November 26, 2016, 7:07 pm

    Awesome story! It’s nice that you have such wonderful memories of holidays with your dad.

  • Goober Fife November 29, 2016, 3:12 pm

    I enjoyed you interview with Allan for his pod-cast last night..
    You shared ALOT of Cool stories about Howie, I was fortunate to have met your Dad some years back. I shared with you my first experience with your Dad when a person I front of me in the autograph line made the MISTAKE to complain about him charging for his autograph. As I told you Howie went full force ET ballistic on him…$&#%!!!

    Good memory… Ya never know what your gonna get!… Thanks for keeping his memory alive for us fans…… G-F

    • David Morris December 1, 2016, 2:13 pm

      Thanks! It was fun to talk. Yes, I remember your story! FYI Allan Newsome and his podcast and Facebook page “Two Chairs No Waiting” is great. Here’s a link to his YouTube channel where interested folks can listen to the interview: https://youtu.be/NgtvRtsC4GE

  • James Silvester December 6, 2016, 4:30 pm

    Didn’t Your Pop Direct Some Of The Early Hogan’s Hero’s Episodes????

    • David Morris December 6, 2016, 7:40 pm

      Absolutely right. Off hand I believe he directed about a dozen. I remember being on-set for a number of them. Great cast, great show. Bob Crane was very nice. Occasionally I’ll call/chat with Robert Clary. Another great talent.

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