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Mayberry Meets Shakespeare

JUNE 2, 2017: True or False; The intense discipline of dramatic theater, combined with Shakespeare, paved the way for Ernest T. Bass to run wild in Mayberry.

Answer: True! Long before The Andy Griffith Show, while serving as a sergeant in WWII (and subsequently on Broadway) Howard Morris performed the character of Laertes in Hamlet. SPOILER ALERT – NEXT SENTENCE ONLY: Laertes ends up killing Hamlet. But, as with all Shakespeare plays, there’s a brilliant twist!

My friend Allan Newsome shares some interesting facts, and Shakespearian ties, in this episode of Two Chairs No Waiting. Please support Allan in his tireless efforts of providing consistently amazing Mayberry background info by subscribing to his “Two Chairs No Waiting” either on YouTube, or his podcast.


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  • Welford Sims June 2, 2017, 6:33 pm

    This comes at a good time, as we head to the reunion of Veterans and Former Residents of Midway Island, leaving Monday. The reunion starts Wednesday and I am sure if he was able to attend, he’d be there and have a blast!!
    We’ll be remembering him!

  • Brenda Weisenberger April 30, 2019, 5:15 pm

    Hi, our family had all seasons of Andy Griffith on DVD which we watch a lot. Our kids are ages 8 and 17 and they laugh and laugh at the show right along with my husband and I. Such wonderful family classics with great values.

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